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They said if you truly love someone that you will never leave, but i don' think that's the case
Why we should tormented ourselves just to love someone who just doesn't care anything about us

Why should we stay even though we already knew that's not the right thing to do, why should will wait for the impossible change ? I asked this to myself and I still find myself no answer

By this thought, I think I still prepare myself to leave
It's not easy but maybe I should sooner or later

Maybe last year, I lost too much person in my life so I just let you go like that but right now being with you isn't a good decision either

Sometimes we just afraid to make decision because we knew we will regret it later cause things will never be back once you decided to let them go

But, to trap this self into this pointless and mental draining relationship for mostly a year is really no good too. I am tired to think so much, It's not like I want to think about it but someday it's just crossed my mind and I even couldn't stop thinking about it.

I still remember all those happy moments, maybe you already forgot them. Long term relationship is nice when you can love each other so much and it will destroy when one of them no longer put effort then later the other one will be so tired to fight by self. At the end both of them stop fighting for each other. It's the end of the long term relationship, some people will go through marriage and some will go through break up.

Yeay, we just learned to accept that some people aren't mean for us and it's no good to put so much effort to someone who even doesn't want you.


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